The Walks
(c) Expander Film

A production by Rimini Apparat | Directed and script written by Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi, Daniel Wetzel | A coproduction with creart / Teatrelli, BorderLight - International Theater + Fringe Festival Cleveland, Alpbach European Forum, Armonie d’Arte Foundation, HAU - Hebbel am Ufer, Hellerau - European Center for the Arts, Kampnagel International Summer Festival, Zona K, PERSPECTIVES Festival | Supported by: Darstellende Künste, with funding from the Federal Government’s Commission for Culture and Media and the Senate’s Department for Culture and Europe in Berlin | Spanish version commissioned by the Goethe Institute - Mexico.

Rimini Protokoll

The company

Theater without theater

This group was formed by Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel, pioneers of a theater movement called Reality Trend, which has been highly influential on the alternative theater scene. Each project begins with a certain situation in a specific place and is then developed through an exploratory process. Their work, somewhere between fiction and reality, has attracted international attention. Since the year 2000, Rimini has been creating ‘expert theater’ on different stages and in different locations in cities, acted out by amateurs. Among their productions: Call Cutta (present at Santiago a Mil in a ZOOM version), 100% City, Situation Rooms and Utopolis, among others, particularly stand out. They have won the Faust Award in Germany, the Grand Prix Theater Award in Switzerland, the European Theater Award and the Silver Lion at the Venice Theater Biennale, as well as the German Audio Play Award and the War Blinded Audio Play Award, among others.

Stefan Kaegi and Chile: One of the directors of Rimini Protokoll, he visited Chile for the first time in 2015 with Remote Santiago, a cross between ‘a game, audio-tour and show’ and an adaptation of the creation that had already been held in several cities worldwide. It turned Santiago into a stage and revealed the growing digitalization of everyday life. In 2017, he came back to create AppRecuerdos with the group SonidoCiudad, with support from the Goethe Institute in Chile and the Teatro a Mil Foundation. This application involved an audio-tour of Santiago, based on individual stories, creating a group experience in which memory and urban spaces blended together, giving the city a narrative and subjective dimension. It is currently available on Google Play and the App Store. In 2020, he presented Granma, metales de Cuba and, last year, Uncanny Valley, about a writer who creates a robotic replica of himself that takes to the stage to perform a monologue.

—Relive Stefan Kaegi’s masterclass at Santiago a Mil in 2017, in which he dissects Rimini Protokoll’s way of working. This is available on Santiago a Mil TV in two parts.

The Walks

By Rimini Protokoll – Rimini Apparat | Directed by Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi, Daniel Wetzel

  • Germany
  • Spanish
  • Between 10 and 30 minutes per walking tour
  • Todo público

The latest from Rimini Protokoll invites us to rediscover the city where we live in the simplest way - walking - via an app with different audio tours.

The Walks is a piece by Swiss-German company Rimini Protokoll that makes us take a look at the city we live in with different eyes. It invites us to listen to a series of recordings while doing short walks (lasting 20 minutes each) that allow us to rediscover and interact with our surroundings. The different walks can be done one after the other but in whatever order you want.

Each story in The Walks is about something that could happen on any part of the planet: a way of showing us that, wherever we are in the world, there is always something that will unite us as humans - walking. This daily, ancient ritual has taken on a new meaning post-pandemic, in a scenario in which the voices, sounds and music of a park, a supermarket or water fountain turn what surrounds them into an actual choreographed play.

The Walks involves several different journeys whose names indicate where they take you: ‘Cemetery’, ‘Water’ or ‘Roundabout’. The app to download them is available for Android and iOS, and the walks are activated after you enter a code that is sent to you into the app.

A production by Rimini Apparat | Directed and script written by Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi, Daniel Wetzel | A coproduction with creart / Teatrelli, BorderLight - International Theater + Fringe Festival Cleveland, Alpbach European Forum, Armonie d’Arte Foundation, HAU - Hebbel am Ufer, Hellerau - European Center for the Arts, Kampnagel International Summer Festival, Zona K, PERSPECTIVES Festival | Supported by: Darstellende Künste, with funding from the Federal Government’s Commission for Culture and Media and the Senate’s Department for Culture and Europe in Berlin | Spanish version commissioned by the Goethe Institute - Mexico.

Rimini Protokoll

The company

Theater without theater

This group was formed by Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel, pioneers of a theater movement called Reality Trend, which has been highly influential on the alternative theater scene. Each project begins with a certain situation in a specific place and is then developed through an exploratory process. Their work, somewhere between fiction and reality, has attracted international attention. Since the year 2000, Rimini has been creating ‘expert theater’ on different stages and in different locations in cities, acted out by amateurs. Among their productions: Call Cutta (present at Santiago a Mil in a ZOOM version), 100% City, Situation Rooms and Utopolis, among others, particularly stand out. They have won the Faust Award in Germany, the Grand Prix Theater Award in Switzerland, the European Theater Award and the Silver Lion at the Venice Theater Biennale, as well as the German Audio Play Award and the War Blinded Audio Play Award, among others.

Stefan Kaegi y Chile: Uno de los directores de Rimini Protokoll visitó por primera vez Chile en 2015, con Remote Santiago, una mezcla de "juego, audiotour y espectáculo" y adaptación de su creación realizada en varias ciudades del mundo, así, Santiago se convertía en una suerte de gran escenario y ponía sobre la mesa la creciente digitalización de la vida cotidiana. En 2017 regresa para crear junto al colectivo SonidoCiudad, con el apoyo del Goethe-Institut Chile y Fundación Teatro a Mil, AppRecuerdos, una aplicación que integra un audio-recorrido por Santiago armado en base a historias personales para crear una experiencia colectiva en que memoria y espacio urbano se fundían y daban a la ciudad dimensión narrativa y subjetiva. Actualmente disponible en Google Play y App Store. En 2020 presentó Granma, metales de Cuba, y el año pasado Uncanny Valley, sobre un escritor que da pie a una réplica robótica que sube a escena en un monólogo.

—Revive la clase magistral que Stefan Kaegi dió en Santiago a Mil 2017, donde disecciona el proceso de trabajo de Rimini Protokoll. Está en Santiago a Mil TV en dos partes.


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