©Silvana Meza

Director and dramaturge: Claudia Hernández | Actors: Margarita Castro, Daniel Cortés, Andrea Olivares and Constanza Silva | Integral Designer: Luis Mondaca | Producer: Paloma Aguirre | Collaborators: Centro Cultural Yastay; Red feminista del libro Región Coquimbo; Casa Roja; Radio Popular la Revuelta; Agujas Rebeldes; Canal Jaramillo; Fuga de Tintas; several community kitchens of the area; and Lakitas y bailes andinos.

Claudia Hernández


Claudia Hernández is an actress and dramaturge living in Coquimbo, where she directs the company Teatro del Viento. She is also the founder of the Teatro Experimental de la Universidad de La Serena, a company she has directed for the last 20 years. Since 2005 she has published poetry and theatre plays, obtaining grants from the Chilean Fund for the Development of Books and Reading.

She also manages workshops and socio-cultural initiatives, is a university professor and a member of the Chilean Feminist Book Network.

—Because it tells the story of territorial occupation from an ancestral point of view, through the construction of meeting points for the communities. The play allows us to learn more about the vertical view that unites the earth with the world of the stars. This view is based on a collective perspective, community work and loving relationship with the environment, where nature is seen as a living being that is cared for and respected.

—Because the staging considers the active participation of the social and cultural groups which inhabit the areas where the company will perform. To this regard, the creators will carry out construction sessions for the scenic space of the performance, in which the communities play an active role. In addition, other interactive activities will be carried out, such as community lunches and support for the dissemination of the shows.

Secreto a voces

By Compañía Teatro del Viento

  • Chile
  • Spanish
  • 50 minutes
  • Todo público

A group of inhabitants of the Kokimpu district -the original name of Coquimbo- discover an ancestral territory turned into a landfill, where they perform a purifying ritual that restores life to the land.

A group of primitive inhabitants of the territories in the Coquimbo region build a bonfire and a “pirca” (pile of stones), as a landmark for ancestral communication. They discover that they must destroy the established order to achieve their own purification and reassemble the forgotten codes in order to validate themselves as a people.

Thus, the collective spaces are restored, dignifying the knowledge of the first inhabitants of these territories.

This story is the core of Secreto a voces, a play that addresses issues such as ancestry, the recovery of public spaces and social gatherings and the rescue of ancient crafts, as well as the water shortage affecting the area. It seeks to showcase the dryness of a landscape on the verge of extinction, starting with its colors and desiccated bodies.

The dramaturgy is guided by the original cosmovision of the pre-Columbian people and considers the four elements -water, earth, air and fire- as the pillars of communication and reconstruction of identity.

Director and dramaturge: Claudia Hernández | Actors: Margarita Castro, Daniel Cortés, Andrea Olivares and Constanza Silva | Integral Designer: Luis Mondaca | Producer: Paloma Aguirre | Collaborators: Centro Cultural Yastay; Red feminista del libro Región Coquimbo; Casa Roja; Radio Popular la Revuelta; Agujas Rebeldes; Canal Jaramillo; Fuga de Tintas; several community kitchens of the area; and Lakitas y bailes andinos.

Claudia Hernández


Claudia Hernández is an actress and dramaturge living in Coquimbo, where she directs the company Teatro del Viento. She is also the founder of the Teatro Experimental de la Universidad de La Serena, a company she has directed for the last 20 years. Since 2005 she has published poetry and theatre plays, obtaining grants from the Chilean Fund for the Development of Books and Reading.

She also manages workshops and socio-cultural initiatives, is a university professor and a member of the Chilean Feminist Book Network.

— Porque cuenta cómo era la ocupación de los territorios desde una mirada ancestral, a través de la construcción de espacios físicos de encuentro para las comunidades. La obra permite conocer más sobre la mirada vertical que une la tierra con el mundo de las estrellas. Esa mirada es desde lo colectivo, el trabajo en comunidad y una relación amorosa con el entorno, donde la naturaleza es vista como algo vivo que se cuida y se respeta.

— Porque la puesta en escena considera la participación activa de las agrupaciones sociales y culturales que habitan los espacios en los que la compañía realizará las funciones. En ese sentido, los creadores desarrollarán jornadas de construcción del espacio escénico donde se realizará la puesta, en el que participarán dichas comunidades. Además, se llevarán a cabo otras instancias participativas, como almuerzos comunitarios los días de las funciones y apoyo en la difusión de las muestras.



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