©Diana Henry

Director: Edgard Vargas Olivares | Original Idea and Research Consultants: Lilian Briceño, Jorge Macías | Performers: Amalia Anguita, Macarena Henry, Carry Castro, Bárbara Loreto, Claudia Ojeda and Michelle Hernández | Sound Universe: Roger Henry | Set and Costume Design: Pamela Flores, Jael Castillo | Lighting: Camilo Ojeda | Communications: Cecilia Acuña | Audiovisual Universe: Diana Henry | Producers: Colectivo Social Cultural y Deportivo Carnavalón

Compañía Caudales y Colectivo Carnavalón

The Creators

Compañía Caudales

The company was formed in 2018 summoning professional dance and theater artists under the direction of choreographer and dancer Edgar Vargas Olivares. It dedicates its work to experimentation and collective creation around the concept of Suma Qamaña (“good living” in Aymara language), especially, in relationship with the territory. The plays Caudales, por el derecho al agua and Brotes, both created by Compañía Caudales, reflect this approach.

Colectivo Carnavalón

A community cultural organization that actively promotes art and artistic creation as a tool for social transformation in the district of Arica y Parinacota since 2013. Its main project is the International Community Meeting Carnavalón Teatral. In its eight versions, it has assembled artists and managers who wish to create a bond with the communities. The collective shares a common space with volunteers and audiences of the towns where their stages are installed, and currently they also have their own tent, Carpa Carnavalona.

—Because the creation is immersed in the culture of the Chinchorro Mummies -the oldest in the world-, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. "With more than 3,000 years of age, well more than the famous Egyptian mummies, and located at the natural site where they were found", according to www.patrimonio.cl.

As this is a heritage topic of interest for the general audience, Proyecto Chinchorro can also be recommended from an educational point of view.

—Because the staging arises from aspects such as sounds and materials inherent to the territory -the same one inhabited by the Chinchorro-, based on the body as a subject of creation. The idea is that the audience will take a trip into the past, distancing themselves from the present and connecting with the natural environment, departing from the materials used on stage, such as costumes, make-up and props made of natural fibers.

—Check out the YouTube channels Carnavalón Teatral and Compañía Caudales:



Proyecto Chinchorro

By Compañía Caudales and Colectivo Carnavalón

  • Chile
  • Spanish
  • 45 minutes
  • + 12 years

The ancient Chinchorro culture and its mortuary ritual are depicted in this performance including dance and theater, seeking to connect through the senses with the past of the Arica y Parinacota region.

Proyecto Chinchorro is a performance featuring dance and theater. It is based on the investigation of the mortuary rituals of the Chinchorro Mummies, the oldest in the world, recently declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The play created by Compañía Caudales and Colectivo Carnavalón uses the body as a vessel for creation and expression of their ancestors’ genetic memory, specifically those who inhabited the same territory as the creators do today.

Based on scientific evidence and on arising questionings, this production proposes a different look at the mortuary rituals. It aims to highlighting the mythical connection with death, the ancient knowledge of and relationship with the human body, and the connection of the Chinchorro with their natural environment.

Director: Edgard Vargas Olivares | Original Idea and Research Consultants: Lilian Briceño, Jorge Macías | Performers: Amalia Anguita, Macarena Henry, Carry Castro, Bárbara Loreto, Claudia Ojeda and Michelle Hernández | Sound Universe: Roger Henry | Set and Costume Design: Pamela Flores, Jael Castillo | Lighting: Camilo Ojeda | Communications: Cecilia Acuña | Audiovisual Universe: Diana Henry | Producers: Colectivo Social Cultural y Deportivo Carnavalón

Compañía Caudales y Colectivo Carnavalón

The Creators

Compañía Caudales

The company was formed in 2018 summoning professional dance and theater artists under the direction of choreographer and dancer Edgar Vargas Olivares. It dedicates its work to experimentation and collective creation around the concept of Suma Qamaña (“good living” in Aymara language), especially, in relationship with the territory. The plays Caudales, por el derecho al agua and Brotes, both created by Compañía Caudales, reflect this approach.

Colectivo Carnavalón

A community cultural organization that actively promotes art and artistic creation as a tool for social transformation in the district of Arica y Parinacota since 2013. Its main project is the International Community Meeting Carnavalón Teatral. In its eight versions, it has assembled artists and managers who wish to create a bond with the communities. The collective shares a common space with volunteers and audiences of the towns where their stages are installed, and currently they also have their own tent, Carpa Carnavalona.

— Porque la creación se sumerge en la cultura de las Momias Chinchorro -las más antiguas del mundo-, declarada como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. “Con más de 3.000 años de antigüedad, muy anteriores a las famosas momias egipcias y ubicadas en el sitio natural donde fueron halladas”, según señala el sitio Patrimonio.cl. Se trata de un tema patrimonial de interés de un público general, por lo que Proyecto Chinchorro es recomendable también desde el punto de vista educativo.

— Porque la puesta en escena surge de aspectos como las sonoridades y materialidades de dicho territorio -el mismo que habitaron los Chinchorros-, teniendo como base el cuerpo como materia de creación. La idea es que el público tenga un viaje hacia el pasado y pueda abstraerse del presente, conectándose con el entorno natural, a partir de las materialidades que se usarán en escena, como vestuarios, maquillajes y utilerías de fibras naturales.

— Revisa el trabajo de los creadores en sus canales de Youtube: Carnavalón Teatral
Compañía Caudales



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