(c) Natalia Espina / Gentileza Teatro Municipal de Las Condes
(c) Natalia Espina / Gentileza Teatro Municipal de Las Condes

»Harsh, fierce, passionate, grueling. Echoes of Strindberg, Koltès, Maurice Pialat (...) The phrase ‘giving it your all’ was invented for intense situations like this one«.

El País, Spain

Directed by: Alfredo Castro Teatro - La Memoria | Written by: Pascal Rambert | Assistant director and script reworking: Víctor Valenzuela | Cast: Daniela Lhorente and Francisco Melo | Lighting designer and digital staging: Delight Lab | Producer: Maritza Estrada | Coproduced by: Teatro a Mil Foundation, Teatro La Memoria.

Alfredo Castro y Teatro La Memoria


Part of our theatrical history

This director and actor is founder of the Teatro La Memoria Theatrical Research Center, a company that has made its mark on Chilean theater over the last three decades. Its productions include the Trilogía Testimonial: Manzana de Adán, Historia de la sangre and Los días tuertos, as well as adaptations of plays such as Hechos consumados by Juan Radrigán and Jamás el fuego nunca and Mano de obra by Diamela Eltit. Castro has also had a renowned film career, with his leading roles in Tony Manero (2008), Post mortem (2010), No (2012), El Club (2014) and his latest success, Tengo miedo torero (2020), particularly standing out.

Pascal Rambert

— It’s the first performance of one of Pascal Rambert’s plays in Chile. A philosophy graduate, this author bases his work on human relations and doesn’t hold back when tackling them. As he said in an interview with El País in Spain, “I was 16 the first time I went into a theater and I wasn’t the same person when I came back out. I didn’t come out unscathed. The power I felt then is what I look to replicate in my theater and sometimes I achieve it and sometimes I don’t. If I reflect on my 40 years in the trade, I can perhaps say that my obsession is trying to reproduce that sense of profound transformation, both for myself and the audience. I’m like a drug addict”.

— It’s Teatro La Memoria with Alfredo Castro as director. This company has been involved in the evolution of the performing arts from the end of the eighties to the present day, broadening its repertoire, experimenting with formats and challenging the audience to not interpret what they see on stage or in their surroundings so literally.

— It brings Daniela Llhorente and Francisco Melo to the stage. He’s made a career for himself in France and Europe and she’s worked with Alfredo Castro frequently since Marat Sade in 1992. It’s also an opportunity to enjoy the work of Delight Lab, the lighting art company whose interventions in the Plaza Dignidad since October 18, 2019 have gained it notoriety.

— Find out more about Alfredo Castro and his company on the Memoria Chilena site, including interviews with the actor and director and downloadable books about Chilean culture and the transition to democracy.

— Watch and listen to Pascal Rambert’s talk at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, in which he discusses his career and the nature of his work.

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La clausura del amor

Directed by Alfredo Castro | Written by Pascal Rambert

  • Chile
  • Spanish
  • 80 minutes
  • + 14 years

The story of a separation is brutally told in this play, directed by Alfredo Castro, which talks about what happens when cracks appear in the ‘us’ and the ‘I’ takes a stand.

La clausura del amor is the story of a couple on its way out. Performed in monologues, it begins when he announces the separation, followed by her response. Wherever it’s performed, the real names of the actors are used, in this case Daniela (Llhorente) and Francisco (Melo).

It’s a script that can be interpreted on many different levels, dealing with an experience everyone can recognize: when love is over and the deep pain caused not only by the physical act of separation but also by the understanding that all the plans you had made together have disintegrated. It’s a heartrending piece that, in the hands of Teatro La Memoria and under the direction of Alfredo Castro, promises to be a unique experience.

»Harsh, fierce, passionate, grueling. Echoes of Strindberg, Koltès, Maurice Pialat (...) The phrase ‘giving it your all’ was invented for intense situations like this one«.

El País, Spain

Directed by: Alfredo Castro Teatro - La Memoria | Written by: Pascal Rambert | Assistant director and script reworking: Víctor Valenzuela | Cast: Daniela Lhorente and Francisco Melo | Lighting designer and digital staging: Delight Lab | Producer: Maritza Estrada | Coproduced by: Teatro a Mil Foundation, Teatro La Memoria.

Alfredo Castro y Teatro La Memoria


Part of our theatrical history

This director and actor is founder of the Teatro La Memoria Theatrical Research Center, a company that has made its mark on Chilean theater over the last three decades. Its productions include the Trilogía Testimonial: Manzana de Adán, Historia de la sangre and Los días tuertos, as well as adaptations of plays such as Hechos consumados by Juan Radrigán and Jamás el fuego nunca and Mano de obra by Diamela Eltit. Castro has also had a renowned film career, with his leading roles in Tony Manero (2008), Post mortem (2010), No (2012), El Club (2014) and his latest success, Tengo miedo torero (2020), particularly standing out.

Pascal Rambert

— Porque es el primer montaje de una obra de Pascal Rambert en Chile. Un autor con formación en la filosofía que basa su dramaturgia en las relaciones humanas y no se guarda nada al abordarlas, como lo dijo en entrevista a El País de España: “Entré por primera vez en un teatro a los 16 años y al salir ya no era la misma persona. No salí indemne. La potencia que sentí entonces es la que busco con mi teatro, a veces la consigo y otras no. Si reflexiono sobre mis 40 años en el oficio, quizás puedo decir que mi obsesión es tratar de reproducir para mí mismo y para el espectador esa profunda transformación. Soy como un drogadicto”.

— Porque hablamos del Teatro La Memoria, con Alfredo Castro en la dirección. Una compañía que ha marcado el devenir del arte escénico desde fines de los 80 hasta hoy, ampliando su registro, experimentando con las formas y desafiando a los espectadores a no leer de manera lineal lo que se representa en el escenario ni la realidad circundante.

— Por las arriesgadas y profundas actuaciones de Daniela Lhorente discípula de Castro, y Francisco Melo, un colaborador habitual de Teatro La Memoria desde Devastados de Sarah Kane (2002).

— Para apreciar el trabajo creativo de DelightLab, la Compañía de arte lumínico que ha cobrado notoriedad con sus intervenciones públicas.

— Encuentra más información sobre Alfredo Castro y la compañía en el sitio Memoria Chilena, desde entrevistas al actor y director hasta libros descargables sobre la cultura chilena de la transición a la democracia.

— Ve y escucha la charla de Pascal Rambert en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México donde habla de su carrera y la naturaleza de su trabajo.

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