©Cristian Figueroa

By Laboratorio Teatro and Constanza Cale | Director: Constanza Cale | Collective Dramaturgy by Laboratorio Teatro and Constanza Cale | Audiovisual Production and Mapping: Cristián Figueroa | Performers: Alejandra Castro and Manuel Nieto | Original Music: Guillermo Morán

Constanza Cale


Constanza Cale lives in Rancagua as an actress, theater director and theater educator. She develops creative processes using art and culture aimed to improve communities’ lives. She has carried out experiences that include musical theater plays, socio-cultural animation workshops, storytelling to promote reading, and musical shows. Constanza has received the Gestión Cultural Mujer award from Editorial Arte Gráfica. She is currently the director of the play Sewell Teatro-Musical, conducts the Teatro del Homenaje de Chile and is part of Laboratorio Teatro and the band Hipertrip, among others.

Laboratorio Teatro

The Collective

Laboratorio Teatro was founded by Constanza Cale and Cristian Figueroa, who began to look into the possibilities of interaction between the performing and audiovisual arts. They have been working on theatrical and musical projects since 2008.

In 2014, they began to stage storytelling with a strong audiovisual content, creating fully projected characters that interact with live performance.

Currently they are part of the Collective Alejandra Castro and Manuel Nieto, who contribute with circus disciplines to their interdisciplinary experiment.

—Because the play is about repression and resistance in Latin American, and especially Chile. The situations faced by the protagonists are based on biographical and historical events that have occurred in Latin America in recent years. But there is no final judgment: the invitation to the spectators is to create their own conclusions, appealing to the emotional, intellectual and personal experiences of each individual. In that sense, it is an intellectual challenge for those who attend the play.

—Because of the fusion of languages in Ilusión y Resistencia, at the crossroads of theater, circus and mapping. It is a format practically never seen before in the region.

-Before Ilusión y Resistencia, Laboratorio Teatro has done storytelling and short films.
You can visit some of their previous work here:





Ilusión y Resistencia

By Compañía Laboratorio Teatro and Constanza Cale

  • Chile
  • Spanish
  • 60 minutes
  • + 12 years

This play deals with two people who suffer repression, when creativity strikes as a resource for resistance.

Ilusión y Resistencia is a theatrical staging that uses circus and mapping techniques. Thus, the play tells the story of two people throughout their lives, and how they are confronted with various situations of repression. In the midst of it, creativity strikes as a resource of resistance, helping them to endure the humiliation and find a space where they can be freely themselves.

The protagonists of the play -where the actors represent different archetypal characters-, face biographical and historical events that have occurred in Latin America in recent years. Hence, the creation raises the words of the Brazilian pedagogue and philosopher Paulo Freire: "When one does not educate for freedom, the dream of the oppressed is to be the oppressor."

The invitation is to reflect around this problem.

By Laboratorio Teatro and Constanza Cale | Director: Constanza Cale | Collective Dramaturgy by Laboratorio Teatro and Constanza Cale | Audiovisual Production and Mapping: Cristián Figueroa | Performers: Alejandra Castro and Manuel Nieto | Original Music: Guillermo Morán

Constanza Cale


Constanza Cale lives in Rancagua as an actress, theater director and theater educator. She develops creative processes using art and culture aimed to improve communities’ lives. She has carried out experiences that include musical theater plays, socio-cultural animation workshops, storytelling to promote reading, and musical shows. Constanza has received the Gestión Cultural Mujer award from Editorial Arte Gráfica. She is currently the director of the play Sewell Teatro-Musical, conducts the Teatro del Homenaje de Chile and is part of Laboratorio Teatro and the band Hipertrip, among others.

Laboratorio Teatro

The Collective

Laboratorio Teatro was founded by Constanza Cale and Cristian Figueroa, who began to look into the possibilities of interaction between the performing and audiovisual arts. They have been working on theatrical and musical projects since 2008.

In 2014, they began to stage storytelling with a strong audiovisual content, creating fully projected characters that interact with live performance.

Currently they are part of the Collective Alejandra Castro and Manuel Nieto, who contribute with circus disciplines to their interdisciplinary experiment.

— Porque aborda la represión y la resistencia en un contexto latinoamericano y especialmente chileno. En la obra, las situaciones que enfrentan los protagonistas se basan en hechos biográficos y también históricos ocurridos en Latinoamérica, en los últimos años. Pero no hay un juicio final armado: la invitación al espectador es a crear sus propias conclusiones, apelando a lo emocional, lo intelectual y a las vivencias personales de cada quien. En ese sentido, es un desafío intelectual para quien ve la obra.

— Por la fusión de lenguajes que se pueden ver, en el cruce del teatro, el circo y el mapping. Se trata de un formato prácticamente no visto antes en la región.

— Antes de Ilusión y resistencia, Laboratorio Teatro ha realizado cuenta cuentos y cortos. Revisa algunos de esos trabajos previos a continuación:



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