(c) Almendra Miller
(c) Inés Bascuñán

Director: Néstor Cantillana | Cast: Igor Cantillana, Pablo Schwarz, Heidrun Breier, Macarena Teke, Álvaro Espinoza, Eduardo Herrera, Gonzalo Muñoz | Musicians: Gabriel Muñoz Breier and Cristián Correa | Costume designer: Daniel Bagnara | Set designer: Belén Abarza | Graphic designer: Javier Pañella | Producer: Inés Bascuñán | Coproduced by: the Teatro a Mil Foundation.

Néstor Cantillana


A cinema, theater and TV talent

Having studied at the Fernando Gonzalez Theater School, he’s worked on numerous productions, starring in plays such as Hamlet, Calígula, El misántropo, Roberto Zuco, Delirio and Bajo hielo. As a director, he has put on plays by Marguerite Duras, Philipp Löhle, Rafael Spregelburd and Lola Arias. He has also taken part in numerous television series on channels like TVN, Canal 13, Chilevisión and HBO Latin America. In the cinema, he has worked on films like Historias de fútbol by Andrés Wood; Cofralandes by Raúl Ruiz; No by Pablo Larraín and Una mujer fantástica by Sebastian Lelio, winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 2018. In 2010, he directed the National Playwriting Exhibition.

Heiner Müller


One of German theater’s key playwrights

The work of this German playwright, poet, writer, essayist and stage director contributed significantly to contemporary and post-dramatic theater. Winner of multiple awards during his lifetime, Müller is one of the greatest German authors and the most important German playwright since Bertolt Brecht.

Interview with Néstor Cantillana about the premiere of El Horacio

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El Horacio

By Heiner Müller | In a version by Colectivo The Braiers | Directed by Néstor Cantillana

  • Chile
  • Spanish
  • 45 minutes
  • + 16

Directed by outstanding actor Néstor Cantillana, this play uses rock to bring to life a text by Heiner Müller about Horatius, a Roman warrior who was both hero and murderer.

Written by German playwright Heiner Müller in 1968, El Horacio tells of the battle against the Etruscans and the leadership struggle between Horatius from Rome and Curiatius from Alba, who is also the lover of Horacio’s sister. After killing Curiatius in a fight, Horatius returns to Rome victorious. However, his sister blames him for killing her lover and he ends up killing her too, arguing that no Roman can ‘cry for an enemy’. The people have to decide Horatius’ fate, hailing him as a hero first but then trying him as a murderer, honoring his body but then throwing it to the dogs. This Chilean version, directed by Néstor Cantillana, is a musical theatrical concert in a beatnik style, with actors not playing specific characters but telling the story like modern-day troubadours, taking to the battlefield with a band made up of guitar, electric bass and drums.

Director: Néstor Cantillana | Cast: Igor Cantillana, Pablo Schwarz, Heidrun Breier, Macarena Teke, Álvaro Espinoza, Eduardo Herrera, Gonzalo Muñoz | Musicians: Gabriel Muñoz Breier and Cristián Correa | Costume designer: Daniel Bagnara | Set designer: Belén Abarza | Graphic designer: Javier Pañella | Producer: Inés Bascuñán | Coproduced by: the Teatro a Mil Foundation.

Néstor Cantillana


A cinema, theater and TV talent

Having studied at the Fernando Gonzalez Theater School, he’s worked on numerous productions, starring in plays such as Hamlet, Calígula, El misántropo, Roberto Zuco, Delirio and Bajo hielo. As a director, he has put on plays by Marguerite Duras, Philipp Löhle, Rafael Spregelburd and Lola Arias. He has also taken part in numerous television series on channels like TVN, Canal 13, Chilevisión and HBO Latin America. In the cinema, he has worked on films like Historias de fútbol by Andrés Wood; Cofralandes by Raúl Ruiz; No by Pablo Larraín and Una mujer fantástica by Sebastian Lelio, winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 2018. In 2010, he directed the National Playwriting Exhibition.

Heiner Müller


One of German theater’s key playwrights

The work of this German playwright, poet, writer, essayist and stage director contributed significantly to contemporary and post-dramatic theater. Winner of multiple awards during his lifetime, Müller is one of the greatest German authors and the most important German playwright since Bertolt Brecht.

Entrevista a Néstor Cantillana por el estreno de El Horacio

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En Twitter, @C_TheBraiers

En Facebook, ColectivoTheBraiers


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