(c) Lorenzo Mella
(c) Lorenzo Mella

Directors: Álvaro Díaz and Pedro Peirano | Executive producer: Alejandra Neumann | Musicians: Pablo Ilabaca and Camilo Salinas | Lyrics: Álvaro Díaz | Performers: Alejandra Dueñas, Patricio Díaz, Daniel Castro | Puppeteers: Felipe Godoy, Guillermo Silva, Paco Pasquette | Assistant director: Francisco Schultz | Technical manager: Luis Reinoso | Puppet art director: Sebastián Ríos | Setting: Marcelo Gacitúa | Production and administration: Poli de Valle | Graphic designer: Andrés Sanhueza | Collages: Mauricio Garrido| Coproduced by: the Teatro a Mil Foundation.

31 Minutos

The program

Puppets no less

31 Minutos is a children’s show starring puppets that was created by the Aplaplac production company. It started as a parody of a news show and was a milestone in Chile’s production of children’s programs, a huge success for all of the four seasons it aired. Its albums were also bestsellers and a live version took part in Lollapalooza Chile in 2012 and the Viña Festival in 2013. The program tackles children’s topics with humor and without prejudice. It’s irreverent, works for all ages and formats and its characters are far from being all-too-perfect role models, showing both their virtues and defects to gain children’s trust. It has won four Altazor awards and two Prix Jeunesse, as well as being nominated for the international Emmys.

Álvaro Díaz y Pedro Peirano


Directed by Álvaro Díaz and Pedro Peirano

  • Chile
  • Spanish
  • 50 minutes
  • Todo público

Tulio Triviño and company put on their crazy version of Cervantes’ play, paying tribute to its originality, humor and timeless charm.

Juan Carlos Bodoque plays Miguel de Cervantes, Tulio Triviño plays Don Quixote, Juanin Juan Harry plays Sancho, Patana plays Pantonia (the nobleman’s daughter) and Policarpo plays the innkeeper. The cast of the acclaimed children’s program 31 Minutos turns Cervantes’ play into a theatrical parody for both children and adults, retaining both the story’s essentials and some of its most innovative aspects. For example, the author is a character in the play and the book exists in the novel itself.

The puppet version of this literary classic is loyal to the original text, maintaining entire dialogues from the novel as a way of highlighting how relevant it still is. It also highlights topics like fantasy - the much-needed craziness or eccentricity that helps us get through the day and inspires us to go after our dreams, in spite of the difficulties we encounter. Friendship and love are also mentioned - things that are worth defending tooth and nail - as well as humor as a defense against perfectionism.


Directors: Álvaro Díaz and Pedro Peirano | Executive producer: Alejandra Neumann | Musicians: Pablo Ilabaca and Camilo Salinas | Lyrics: Álvaro Díaz | Performers: Alejandra Dueñas, Patricio Díaz, Daniel Castro | Puppeteers: Felipe Godoy, Guillermo Silva, Paco Pasquette | Assistant director: Francisco Schultz | Technical manager: Luis Reinoso | Puppet art director: Sebastián Ríos | Setting: Marcelo Gacitúa | Production and administration: Poli de Valle | Graphic designer: Andrés Sanhueza | Collages: Mauricio Garrido| Coproduced by: the Teatro a Mil Foundation.

31 Minutos

The program

Puppets no less

31 Minutos is a children’s show starring puppets that was created by the Aplaplac production company. It started as a parody of a news show and was a milestone in Chile’s production of children’s programs, a huge success for all of the four seasons it aired. Its albums were also bestsellers and a live version took part in Lollapalooza Chile in 2012 and the Viña Festival in 2013. The program tackles children’s topics with humor and without prejudice. It’s irreverent, works for all ages and formats and its characters are far from being all-too-perfect role models, showing both their virtues and defects to gain children’s trust. It has won four Altazor awards and two Prix Jeunesse, as well as being nominated for the international Emmys.

Álvaro Díaz y Pedro Peirano

“La adaptación de El Quijote hecha por 31 minutos es una joya por donde se le mire, el trabajo de APLAPLAC, la música, el arte visual de Mauricio Garrido en los collages de fondo, todo es un espectáculo creado bajo estándares dignos de Broadway”.

El desconcierto

»El público aplaude en algunas canciones, levanta sus Mico el Micófono, escucha, sobre todo atento, los parlamentos de los personajes (...) La gente se ríe, pero luego se pondrá triste, porque esta es una adaptación real de la obra«.

El Mostrador sobre su versión de Romeo y Julieta



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